Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bikini waxing

The only thing I like to ask is not to do tanning on the same day after you get waxed, or go to public places such as swimming pools, hot tubs, gym etc.

A regular bikini wax for me is everything you don't want to see when you wear your bikini, so I remove any hair that hangs out on the sides and above.

A brazilian bikini is a lil more off from the top and lil more off on each side leaving a small amount of hair on the middle.

Egyptian bikini is when I remove everything from the front to the back leaving no hair at all.

I use hard wax, so waxing is less painful, you will have no ingrown hair, no irritation on the skin, and no sticky bum cheeks either.
I hope this helps!

Frequently asked questions:

Q: Does it hurt?

A:It's a walk in the park....

Q:Do I have a numbing spray?

A:No I do not, but you may take something for pain. Also it helps if you don't make your waxing appointment close to or during your period.

Q: What will I wear during waxing?Do I take off everything?

A: Hm, leave your high heels on:) of course I need everything off from below, other wise I can not wax, although I know many places that do not, at Soul Escape you will have disposible panties to wear and a towel to cover yourself just to make you feel comfy.

Q:How often should I get it done?

A:On the beginning it works great if you can come every 4-5 weeks, later on it gets easier.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Good Eye Brow

A good Eyebrow Shape is one of the most important parts to beauty. Your eyebrow shape depends on your facial features. It can help you look younger and "lift" the eye so it appears firmer. It frames the entire face and will make you look confident!

· In many case I like to trim the eyebrows. This will make a big difference in helping you look younger. Once eyebrows reach a certain length they start losing pigments at the ends.
· Consider eyebrow tint to make them look fuller, to add definition and bring out your eye colour!

3 simple rules:
First we have to make two eye brows by waxing on the middle , right above the nose.
A perfect arch is GRADUAL, nothing harsh.
Any hair that goes past the outside corner of the eye should be removed.

For those of you, who prefer a wax or threading make sure you go to a trusted salon. Don't let them over do it. Thin eyebrows will age a woman faster then sun and birthdays!


…I got so many complements after waxing and tinting my eyebrows about how different I look and how blue my eyes are!....

…My eye brows disappeared over the years but the colour brought life back to my old face!...

…I have an arch! I never had an arch before because my eye brows are so straight!....

…..A good eyebrow shape can make you look pretty if you are not a "glamour girl." …..