Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bikini waxing

The only thing I like to ask is not to do tanning on the same day after you get waxed, or go to public places such as swimming pools, hot tubs, gym etc.

A regular bikini wax for me is everything you don't want to see when you wear your bikini, so I remove any hair that hangs out on the sides and above.

A brazilian bikini is a lil more off from the top and lil more off on each side leaving a small amount of hair on the middle.

Egyptian bikini is when I remove everything from the front to the back leaving no hair at all.

I use hard wax, so waxing is less painful, you will have no ingrown hair, no irritation on the skin, and no sticky bum cheeks either.
I hope this helps!

Frequently asked questions:

Q: Does it hurt?

A:It's a walk in the park....

Q:Do I have a numbing spray?

A:No I do not, but you may take something for pain. Also it helps if you don't make your waxing appointment close to or during your period.

Q: What will I wear during waxing?Do I take off everything?

A: Hm, leave your high heels on:) of course I need everything off from below, other wise I can not wax, although I know many places that do not, at Soul Escape you will have disposible panties to wear and a towel to cover yourself just to make you feel comfy.

Q:How often should I get it done?

A:On the beginning it works great if you can come every 4-5 weeks, later on it gets easier.

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